Nomination "Best BIM Project"
Heritage BIM benefits in Case Study Riga castle
About the project
The owner of the building and the project is Latvian SJSC «State Real Estate».
Our part of the project focused on the eastern part of the Riga castle which is to be rebuilt into a museum.
The project execution was split between three companies - main
technical research done by CMB, laser scanning done by White
Cardinal Engineering, computerized vertical and horizontal
structure analysis and Building Information Models were made by
ITED is presenting at Europe's leading 16th Pipeline Technology Conference
On Tuesday, 16th of March 2021, ITED is presenting at Europe's leading 16th Pipeline Technology Conference in Repair and Maintenance Session on topic Pipeline information modelling (BIM) for maintenance in Latvia. Go ahead and read more about our presentation!
Designing a residential building in BIM environment within 45 days - Case Study
This Case Study includes information about typical apartment houses project from a BIM point of view which played a big role in designing the project within 45 days. Project aim is to use developed construction project for all Latvian municipalities. BIM models will be used in the management of the implemented projects and in the development of the final construction project.
Project was done together with arhchitects Core Projekts (Latvia) and CUBED (Latvia).

Zigurat Global Institute of Technology partners with ITED
Zigurat Global Institute of Technology partners with ITED, Innovative Technologies in Engineering & Design, a Letonian consultancy firm that offers services in 4 main areas related to BIM: 3D and BIM Modelling, BIM Coordination and analysis, Consultation and Management, and BIM Implementation.
Revit vs AutoCAD
If you’re wondering whether you should be using Revit or AutoCAD in
your projects, there’s another key question you should ask
yourself: what
am I trying to achieve? You should understand where you are coming
from and where you are heading to.
Humans and Technology in Construction
Technology, semi-automated and automated equipment in construction has been increasing rapidly over the years. Developments in technology has driven construction forward and made the process easier, faster, and with reduced operation and maintenance costs.
Virtual Design and Construction
Certified IFC software
Historical BIM
BIM for tiny projects - worth it?
Some time ago I stepped in the shoes of a client to have my small 60sqm holiday house designed.
Explaining BIM processes in BEP's
BEP’s are very import to capture what result is expected and what needs to be done in a BIM project.
BIM Research Sources
Common LOD errors

Case Study - BIM Design Assist and Product Marketing Solution for HVAC Equipment Manufacturer
SMART goals

Alternatives to 3D scanning

BIM can save lives!
/Imriyas Kamardeen/
5D BIM for the QS